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Counting bottles and steaks using a clipboard or even using accounting apps is so old school.
Now complete a periodic stock count in minutes with VoiceINV™, powered by advanced VoiceTech + AI, our inventory solution is super fast.
Imagine using your phone to just see it, say it and count it using advanced voice technology and speech to text AI to transcribe and analyze what you count instantly.
Whatever can be visualized can now be vocalized with VoiceINV™.

Stop typing. Start talking
Creating preference cards to create pre-surgery carts using a clipboard is so old school.
Imagine using an app that is connected to your inventory manager database that creates preference cards by surgeon and by procedure using just your voice.
Imagine using your phone to just see it, say it and count it using advanced voice technology and speech to text AI to transcribe and analyze what you count instantly.
Whatever can be visualized can be vocalized with VoiceINV™.

Stop Typing. Start Talking™
See it. Say it. Count it.
Start a New Inventory
Welcome to a new way of counting; using just your voice.
Easy Inventory Prep
Setting up each new inventory is a snap with user management platform.
Voice Counting
Start counting by pressing the "Start Count "button, pause whenever you need to.
Visualize what you say
VoiceINV instantly transcribes what you say with easy edit functionality.

Check your Counts
Check any count, verify the accuracy, see what you’ve counted or may have missed.
See your costs instantly
Confirm your results by category, liquor, beer, wine and supplies and visualize results in your hand.
See your report instantly
Visualize your purchases, sales and usage report in dollars and percentages.
Successful inventory quickly
And, you’re done! Notice just how fast VoiceINV is and how much time and money you’ve saved.
“Schedule a Demo of Voice Inventory Today”
Touchless Inventory Counting See it • Say it • Count it™